
Tattoos as a Form of Therapy

We all have coping mechanisms, vices, ways we deal with our own negative thoughts and feelings however they might manifest themselves. Could tattoos be one of these coping mechanisms? Many people today believe so. For some, a tattoo holds a far deeper meaning that just self-expression. They can be a way of attempting to undo…

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We all have coping mechanisms, vices, ways we deal with our own negative thoughts and feelings however they might manifest themselves. Could tattoos be one of these coping mechanisms? Many people today believe so. For some, a tattoo holds a far deeper meaning that just self-expression. They can be a…

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From mild to wild, our professional piercers have done it all. Whether you are looking to get your ears pierced, or something a little more outrageous, rest assured that you will be in good hands in a clean, safe environment with trained professionals capable of assisting you in both selection…

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Tattoo's have come a long way since the anchor and eagle that your Grandfather had on his arm. It has evolved into an art form and we treat it as such. During the healing process, as well as afterwards, it is extremely important that you take care of your tattoo…

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When choosing a tattoo, considering the many different tattoo design styles can seem to be a time-consuming task. Here a list of popular design styles to help narrow your list of options. 1. American Traditional The American Traditional design style originated in the 1930s on American military bases. It became…

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There are many things to be taken into consideration when getting a tattoo. How cheap is too cheap? How do I know if it's a good tattoo artist? Do I really want a tattoo? Here are some things you might want to know and consider when getting a tattoo. Know…

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