Getting a Tattoo

Trash Polka Style Tattoos

The Trash Polka design style was popularized by the Buena Vista Tattoo Club. It uses a black and red color scheme illustrated with collage-like images. Trash Polka includes a combination of realism, lettering/script, and geometric shapes. What is Trash Polka? The Trash Polka design style resembles that of fine art collages in that it combines…

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The Trash Polka design style was popularized by the Buena Vista Tattoo Club. It uses a black and red color scheme illustrated with collage-like images. Trash Polka includes a combination of realism, lettering/script, and geometric shapes. What is Trash Polka? The Trash Polka design style resembles that of fine art…

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Tax season is upon us which means many are making a list of ways they can spend their well-deserved return. Those considering a tattoo should be mindful of when to schedule appointments, confirming artwork and making deposits. This article will discuss the do's and don'ts of getting a tattoo during…

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There are many things to be taken into consideration when getting a tattoo. How cheap is too cheap? How do I know if it's a good tattoo artist? Do I really want a tattoo? Here are some things you might want to know and consider when getting a tattoo. Know…

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