After months of lockdowns, many tattoo shops in Bryan/College Station, TX have finally reopened. However, visits are nothing like they were before due to COVID-19 guidelines. The pandemic has many walk-in tattoo shops acting like custom tattoo shops. We will discuss the difference between custom tattoo shops and walk-in tattoo shops.
Difference Between Custom Tattoo Shops and Walk-in Tattoo Shops
Walk-in Tattoo Shops vs. Custom Tattoo Shops
Walk-in tattoo shops are typically for those wanting something simple that can be done quickly. These are usually on a first-come first-serve basis.
Schedule an appointment with a custom tattoo shop is the best way to go about getting a custom tattoo (i.e. sleeves, chest pieces and back pieces). An appointment ensures that you get your own time slot reserved with the artist of your choice and allows you and your artist more time to make sure the design is exactly what you want.
Are Walk-in Tattoo Shops Over?
The COVID-19 pandemic has many walk-in tattoo shops acting as custom tattoo shops. Many tattoo artists are opting out of doing walk-ins due to the new guidelines and for their own safety. Some artists are even increasing their minimums, as to not put their lives at risk for a $60 tattoo.
Tattoo Consortium is limiting the amount of people both in the back and the main lobby area. We are allowing groups of only 2 per artist or piercer at a time. Due to the COVID-19 concerns, piercing and tattoos are no longer a safe social event for the clients or the people providing the services. Thus, we are no longer allowing more than a total of 10 people in our shop at once.
Therefore, if you do stop by for a walk-in, you will most likely have to either wait in your car or call in from the parking lot to schedule an appointment. This way you can make sure an artist or piercer is available.
Following these COVID guidelines can help us to help you stay safe when visiting Tattoo Consortium. Contact us with the link below for more information on our new COVID-19 guidelines or to schedule your next tattoo with us!